Creating MVC4 Application with Model First Entity Framework

Before going to the details please refer the following URL to create simple web application Using Asp.Net MVC 3. How to Create Website using ASP.Net MVC
In this post we will see how to create simple MVC 4 Application with Model First Entity Framework.

First we see how to create simple application using Asp.Net MVC4

Optimize the JQuery Selectors

Some tips keep in mind when Select element using JQuery Selectors

Selectors Using ElementID

When creating JQuery selector with element Id means, it’s best to start your selector with element ID


$("#container div.robotarm");
        This approach is slow because it did not follow Sizzle selector engine, Only ID selections are handle using document.getElementByID()


        The .find() approach is faster because the selection is handled  using Sizzle selector engine .which is extremely fast because it is native to the browser.


                When creating a JQuery selector be more specific on the right-hand side of your selector, and less specific on the left.


         $(" .gonzalez");


         $(".data td.gonzalez");
         Use <tag>.<class> if possible on your right-most selector, and just tag or just .class on the left.

Avoid the Universal Selector

Selections that specify or imply that a match could be found anywhere can be very slow.
Extremely expensive:
         $(".buttons > *");

Much better:


Implied universal selection:

         $(".category :radio");

Same thing, explicit now:

         $(".category *:radio");

Much better:

         $(".category input:radio");

How To Install Asp.Net MVC 4

In this post we will see How to Install Asp.Net MVC 4 In our Machine.In Visual Studio 2010 MVC 2 And MVC 3 are default  integrated but If we want to create MVC 4 application you have to install MVC 4 in you machine.before install MVC 4 you Project Template look like means you did not install MVC 4 in your machine.

Using Web Installer

How to Create Website using ASP.Net MVC 3

MVC grid Bulk Update using XML, Convert MVC FormCollection to XML using XmlDocument

In this post we will see how to create MVC3 Application using Visual studio 2010 step by step
  1.  First open Visual studio
  2. Select File -> New -> Project, then select Asp.Net MVC 3 Web Applicatio 
  3. In Name textbox enter TelerikBulkUpdate click ok